Goodby 2015

Another year shot to h*ll.   It has been said that the front window of a car is bigger than the rear window because it is more important to see where you are going to see where you have come from.  Well, it is also true that from the date of birth that it is more likely that we are moving to the inevitable space on a hill under a beautiful full grown tree.   So what is behind is usually a much larger story than what is to take place in the future.   Enuf philosophy.

It has been another crazy year  -- as all years seem to be.  Some travelling, some trials, some tribulations and some less than joyous occasions.  My clients remain an interesting breed of characters, coming up with all kinds of new and wonderful experiences.  I joke about the fact that the practice of law would be great if not for clients  -- but I really do not mean it.   I have some of the same clients I first met in the 70's.   They have put up with me more than I have had to put up with them.  It has been an interesting adventure.

So, as 2015 quickly subsides and leaves the next leap year on the very soon horizon, my best wishes to all.  Years ago, my final words to my students on their graduation was "may you have a job that you love so much you would do it for free -- but do it so well that people want to pay you for it."  That applies to life as much as it does to work.    Be well and remember  "it's showtime".
