February 10

Seven weeks since my last post.  Some people would say that my lack of daily posts is a sign of a lack of dedication; others would say it is a sign that there is no addiction involved with my posts.  My reason is simple -- if you have nothing to say then don't say anything!  This is not as if I have a commitment to provide 800 words of wisdom on a daily basis.

Anyway, this week I had the great pleasure of having to go downtown (as in south of Steeles Ave. three times for hearings).  I guess I will have to wait about a month to see if I contravened any traffic intersection photo cameras.  The score was two chiropractic hearings and one labour board hearing.

I read an article in Chiropractic Reports today which was a copy of a speech given by a chiropractor/lawyer.  For the chiropractors in the audience -- it is a must read.  The site is at


The article is by Dr. Richard Brown.  For those of you in the chiropractic profession who live on a different planet and may be unaware -  Chiropractic Report is published by David Chapman Smith, LLB., legal counsel to a number of national and international organizations.

I suppose I could sum up my appreciation of the article by indicating that my concern for the profession rests with the fact that unless there is a continued and advanced commitment to chiropractic education and research the profession is doomed to continue on a merry go round which provides little comfort when dealing with the powers to be in health care.  In a very "sick" sort of way, you will know that chiropractic has reached the level of the other health care professions when we no longer have to consider the following, namely:

when a medical doctor does something wrong it's "bad doctor"; when a dentist does something wrong it's "bad dentist"; when a chiropractor does something wrong its "bad profession" ! 

Now that is a strange goal to stive for!

and to the Doctor that I met at the Chinese New Year Dinner last week --- no I am not retired -- while not teaching (full time / part time) I do continue to work a half-day each day as in about 8 am. to 8 pm.  --   and still loving it.

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