
What is with the chiropractic profession.   I know that there are lawyers who call themselves criminal lawyers, real estate lawyers, family law lawyers.   I know that there are medical doctors who are called family practitioners, or surgeons or radiologists, etc.   Even chiropractors may be described as sports chiropractor, radiologist, animal chiropractor.   These all deal with some specificity and as a member of the public I can understand what is being described.

BUT I have never ever heard of a principled medical doctor, a vitalistic lawyer or an evidenced based accountant.

When I first became familiar with the profession I was amazed to be informed that there are straight, mixers, fuse busters and vitamin selling chiropractors.  Wow, is there specialty that teaches "mixing"? 

Then as the years went by more adjectives popped up  -- "principled, vitalistic, mechanistic".  All describing an individual and I suppose how they practiced.  Like any patient really gives a damn!

No wonder the profession is fractured -- not separated ie. subluxated (if that is a term)  -- just fractured.   Until the adjectives are stricken from the words emanating from the lips of chiropractors there is no hope whatsoever for unity within the profession. 

So let the patients/clients describe the practitioner as being passionate, warm, and caring.   But no patient/client I have ever met has ever referred to me or any other lawyer I know as being principled or even evidence based.    Actually, I am both evidenced based (when my opinions are based on case law) and vitalistic when I have to dream up a claim or defence which is unique and without precedent.

have a great day

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