January 2010

Ok -- so I don't post every two hours, every day, every week or for that matter every month. Sometimes the adage works: "It is better to keep your mouth shut and have people think you are stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubt".

Besides, I have been busy. Two more articles on line with Dynamic Chiropractic Canada. The one title" "Can you Pass the Smell Test" I really wanted to simply call "The Stink Test" but I bow to the greater wisdom of those who buy their ink by the barrel. The next article was entitled "Self-Defence" but again changed to "The Dangers of Self-Defense". The next is in the works.

I also had the pleasure of donning the Santa Clause outfit and doing another event at the Chinese Mall in Markham, Ontario. I did a Polka -- at the Dance Studio -- my title is: "Least dedicated Most entertaining".

As far as New Years' Resolutions -- well I went on a diet over the holidays and gained 4 or 5 pounds, so that is over and done with. My office is now neat, tidy and uncluttered. My staff will take care of finishing off that Resolution. So the only one left is to smile more; ride my motorcycle more; and live more. I also promise to put more information on the blog -- but don't count on it.

Finally, for those of you who travel to this site looking for info - you have to appreciate how blogs work -- you have to dig deep and go back, back, back into the postings.

Be good and be well.

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