
Its the end of the first week of October and the days go by very, very rapidly.

I haven't put away the car or motorcycle like last year at the beginning of October. I am either more optimistic or desperate as to what little down time I may have. Merely put 3K on the bike. If I wondered where the time went it probably ended up in the client files, presentations, ad nauseum.

I actually received a complimentary copy of a text on Alternative Treatments in Cancer Therapy. I wrote the chapter on Legal Issues. I would like to say it was fun -- but I would be really, really lying.

Now I just have to get ready for a quick trip to Sudbury (for anything but fun) and then prepare my monologue for the CCA convention. Being funny and witty can really be difficult so I will likely merely be sarcastic.

I should probably be writing some more articles for DC Canada -- but they don't seem to be in need and I never do articles for advertising -- so I can just back off and if they need me they can find me. I am sure the time will be filled -- it is like putting your finger in a glass of water and then removing it -- the void always seems to get filled.

Most importantly, Dr. Herb Lee is turning 100 on November 5, 2010!! Now that is news worth reporting.

Be well and be good.

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