May 28, 2020

Every few months I come back to the blog site to see how young and daring I used to be.  While my inaction could have been excused by age, I prefer to blame it on the corona virus.

I am classified as an essential service worker.  If my high school teachers knew that I was essential at anything - they would likely be turning over in the grave.  The words "lawyers and essential" in the same sentence seems a little ridiculous - that is until you are in the office and a client needs some assistance and needs it NOW.

My law practice continues to operate and I continue to take on legal issues of interest to me.  Having HDADDDDDD it is important that I be able to concentrate and concentration comes with interest - both figuratively and literally  -- it is like being "principled/principaled".  Depends on how you spell it.

Anyway, life keeps rolling along and as long as I can learn something new each and every day, I will be around to live and learn.

Be safe and be well.