June 30, 2011

Since it is the end of the month I thought that I would do a report card to myself.

Dear Myself:

It has been an interesting month. Travels to Montreal for chiropractic business. A Board of Directors retreat for chiropractic business. A trip to New York for chiropractic business. In between I actually have other business to deal with.

While I cannot comment on the Montreal business trip, I can say that New York was a fun time. I attended the NACA meeting (National Association of Chiropractic Attorneys). The Organization is made up of lawyers who represent chiropractic associations or organizations across the United States. Until last year, I was the only lawyer in Canada who was a member (since 1982). While I don't get to a lot of meetings because of conflicts in scheduling - I do enjoy attending when available to hear all the issues in the US and being thankful for the fact that many of the issues are not prevalent in Canada - yet. (We are usually 5 to 7 years behind.)

This was another journey with my wife, who was able to spend some time with the group and dinner with some of the lawyers and Sandy Lambert, wife of the President for Life, Paul Lambert from Florida.

So, "dear myself" -- I hate to the see the end of June -- my favourite month of the year. Hopefully I will be able to finally get on my motorcycle and put on some serious mileage.

anyway - regards and Happy Birthday Canada.

June 18, 2011

Today is our anniversary. Judy and I have been married 39 years. That's right -- thirty-nine years. We are one of those couples in a very small minority.

The years have been good. There are always times of trouble - obviously none of which could have been caused by my behaviour. After all, what part of my personality and character could cause any dissention. Ok -- it was a rhetorical question.

Judy hates when I tell people that the reason for being married for 39 years is that we have a perfect marriage -- we are both in love the same man. I have a permanent mark on my left arm from being hit every time I say that. When she tells people that we have been married for 39 years -- their reaction is that she must be a saint.

So, my blog being a public area of communication -- to Judy -- Happy Anniversary. Hugs and Kisses -- love your hubby!
I am full of a lot of things including one liners; two liners and other hot air. Over the years almost anyone that I meet that is worth talking to will get to hear or be forced to hear some of those one-liners. Two that come to mind are:

1. When I first met my in-laws they were at the proverbial joker of a next door neighbour who like all such individuals commenced to grill me, ie. what was I doing; what was I planning on doing with my life; what did my parents do.

With respect to the last question, I answered: My parents are in the iron and steel business -- my mother irons and my father steals. That stopped the conversation and has been a permanent part of my repetoire.

2. Whenever I decide to do something a little crazy (meaning "stupid) as in the case of motorcycling; cuba cigar smoking etc etc -- people ask me if I got permission from my wife.

With respect to that question my answer is always: I ask my mother for permission and my wife for forgiveness.

This now takes me to the point at hand. I have been told by my much better half (whose house I would like to continue to live in) that I continue to post such things as -- I have just returned from Florida ; or I am travelling to New York etc., etc. As if I am going alone. This is incorrect -- I travel with my wife (other than cigar smoking in Cuba).

So, wherever you have read "I" please change it to "we" -- as in Allan and Judy.

I hope that works and forgiveness is in the works.

by for now.


It is June 3rd -- and spring has sprung.

I have just returned from a drive down to Florida through Savannah and back through Charleston. Great trip -- lots of driving but in a great car which made the driving most of the fun.

So what's new. A heck of a lot. I really should consider a blog to be a daily diary -- but then again -- diaries are created as a personal reflection and what a waste of time. I had created this "thing" to allow people to access information that they would not otherwise have access to -- but then I am told that some of my postings are actually humurous and others are educational. Hey -- what ever turns you on.

have a great day