July 5th

I spent the long weekend catching up on some serious motorcycle riding including a short ride Thursday night, a full day on Friday and Saturday and then a couple of hours on Sunday. It is a great sport and a great hobby.

I just checked out who has been checking out my blog. I don't have the slightest idea why they do but there are visitors from the US, United Kingdom, Ireland, Korea, Australia, Israel, Germany, Russia, Italy, Sweden, South Africa, a number of other countries that I can't instantly remember and Canada. I would say that each person really should spend less time on the internet -- but hopefully they gathered some enjoyment from the pictures, the jokes, the bucket lists or, heaven forbid, the information related to the realty of professional practices.

Anyway, whatever turns you on, I hope that I could add to your knowledge base or provide an instant of enjoyment.

be well

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