
I think I have survived. I will not quite know until next Tuesday morning -- but so far the prognosis it good.

What did I survive from?

The last month or so.

About ten months ago I was asked if I would do the opening for the Canadian Chiropractic Convention in Toronto this last weekend. Ten months ago it sounded like a good idea. Something like buying a large ticket item with no money down payable in a year. Well eventually the rooster comes back to the hen house. So was it for me the last month.

Since anything worth doing is worth overdoing by at least three or four times -- I spent what would be conservatively guessed to be about 20 to 30 hours to create a 40 minute fire side chat -- inclusive of a video and audio show. Good thing I was not being paid for the work!!!

I did it, presented it and it is now over and done. As part of the project I went through over 35 boxes of material and discarded and shredded 29 boxes of material going back to the mid 1970's. My staff is happy and I am going through withdrawal.

One of the letters I came across was from Dr. Ian Coulter, President of CMCC in 1983 advising me to learn how to say "no". That is a piece of advice that I have unfortunately never learned to adopt.

So now I am back at my first day of continual work in three to four weeks. I am sad that at least two of my clients have not forgiven me and have gone elsewhere for legal work. I guess that is the price to be paid -- I am only sad that they had to go through that process.

But I am slightly rejuvenated - still in need of chiropractic care for the tension and ready to rock and roll.

And lastly, I would sure like to know who it was who had to hit by blogsite over 40 times in one day! wow -- hope it was helpful.

be well

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