The next big chapter in my life starts on June 18, 1972 - 52 years ago.  As I tell it  -- much to Judy's consternation -- we have been married 52 years because we have a perfect marriage  - we are both in love with the same man  - me.

Anyway, I had a stag before the wedding.  It was in a synagogue so we all had to behave ourselves - except, as I recall it -  I did well at the poker game.  They probably let me win.

I remember driving to Hamilton with my brother and his girlfriend, listening to the theme from the Lone Ranger.  It is amazing how little things stick in the mind.  It is the big things that get lost.

The wedding involved about 16 ushers and bridesmaid, a tuxedo hand made by my father-in-law the tailor; and about 400 or so guests.  I wanted a small wedding.   My parents asked me if I thought it was better to meet people at a wedding than at a funeral.  Since I don't like going to funerals since the person who died is not coming to my funeral -  I had to agree to the logic.  So, the parents and Judy wanted a big wedding and I didn't much care.

It was a nice affair and even had a band that had been the band at my bar mitzvah.  The Rabbi and I didn't really see eye to eye on much of the tradition that he tried to get me to agree to, such as double ring ceremonies did not really exist in the orthodox faith.  

Judy and I left at about 11 pm.  We decided to travel to the east coast of Canada on a road trip for our honeymoon.  It was expected to be quite different.   We almost ended up in a divorce with 15 miles of Hamilton and before the marriage was consumated.  

My father had generously agreed to lend me his Buick for the drive.  We almost got to the QEW from the 403 when Judy told me she had forgotten her luggage.  Being a relatively patient and quiet individual - NOT - the conversation didn't go very well.   I had to decide if I was going leave her at the side of the road or turn back and get the luggage.  I obviously went back for the luggage.

We spent the night at what was the Hyatt at Yorkville and then we went to my parent's house to let the dog out to do his business.  That went about as well as the luggage issue because she took off.  We went looking for her but had to wait about 2 hours for her return.

And then we headed west (actually) going to Niagara Falls and then heading east.  The first night we stopped and decided to see the movie Pornoy's Complaint.  It was restricted and they did not want to let Judy in since she look about 16 at the time.  They thought her id was phony.  I think the wedding ring finally got us admission.

Then the next day we were at Montreal - then Fredericton and then Moncton where I almost started a riot after eating at Cyr's.   I was expecting to see a tidal wave.  When the water cam trickling in, I persuaded the crowd that we had been ripped off.  The RCMP persuaded us to behave.

Next day was a trip to Antigonish to wait for the ferry to PEI.  Now you can drive to the Island for free.  You just have to pay to leave.

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