
Life was pretty consistent during the first, second and third years of my sojourn at CMMC. By the end of the 3rd year, I was spending some time with the Dean discussing the issues surrounding the practice management course taught to the students. After assisting Dr. Padachuk with the course for a year, it was determined that my course requirements should increase to include more issues of risk management and practice management.

The course eventually evolved into a two year course -- third year involved the risk management issues necessary to be dealt with prior to entering into the clinic; and the fourth year course involved matters of importance to a new practitioner including issues involving the establishment of a practice. My still active speeding reading allowed me to grade the 150 or so chiropractic legal reports and two full sets of exams - all in my spare time.

By 1982, I had met up with Alan Adams and Ian Coulter. Both individuals were superb academics and logicians who could approach a problem with the efficiency of a military officer. There were ups and downs, renovations to the premises and legal matters which shall continue to remain subject to the 75 secrecy code (as if there is one).

Dr. Coulter became the first non-chiropractic president of CMCC and was required to deal with some of the more important issues within the profession and CMCC's history including accreditation. His vice-president was Kitch Hayman and then Jean Moss and the dean was Alan Adams and then David Dainty.

In 1982, Dr. Rich Luck was chair of the Board of Governors, Dr. Doug Brown and in about February 1982 I was asked by Mark Robson of the graduating class of 1982 to be the graduation banquet master of ceremonies........

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